MDX Date Formatting in SSRS:
Suppose there is a Date Dimension in Cube which returns date as below through MDX.
Suppose there is a Date Dimension in Cube which returns date as below through MDX.
- Date Format should be "MM/dd/yyyy" like 12/31/2042 in SSRS Reports.
- Unknown should appear as Blank.
No Admin rights in Cube. We can right expression in SSRS only.
We can use below expression in SSRS report for getting above formatted result:
=IIF(Year( IIF( ISDATE(Fields!Date.Value) = FALSE, "1900-01-01",Fields!Date.Value ) )="1900" , Nothing , FORMAT( CDATE( IIF(ISDATE(Fields!Date.Value) = FALSE, "1900-01-01",Fields!Date.Value) ) ,"MM/dd/yyyy" ) )
After using above expressions, below result will appear on report:
Unknown values are appearing as Blank and other date formatting coming as MDY format.