Friday, May 15, 2015

SSRS: Change Font and Background Color at Run time

SSRS: Change Font and Background Color at Runtime.

Sometimes Clients requirements are very unexceptional but we need to fulfill them. So the requirement is that Client could change the Font properties as per their will like they can change “Font Family, Font Size, Font Style and Background Color of Tablix Header” at any time.

So if N numbers of reports are deployed then “How do you do it”? Solution is given below:

Create a table in Database like Font_Table or whatever the name you want to give. Add columns like: Font_Family, Font_Size, Back_Color etc. Insert only one row in table, if you need more values then add columns but insert only single row as below:

Font_Family  VARCHAR(50),
Font_Size   VARCHAR(10),
Back_Color   VARCHAR(10)

('Calibri', 10pt, 'GREEN')


NOW, we can use this table values in our SSRS report’s properties. We can write expression of Font Properties and many others as well.
Add new dataset in report. Add query “Select * from Font_Table”

Go to table header -> Properties -> BackgroundColor -> Expressions -> Choose color field as below:

For Font Family:

Do it same for Font Size, Font Weight etc.
See the output:

NOW if I change the values in my Font_Table in database and just refresh the report, you will see the difference:

SET Font_Family = 'Verdana',
      Font_Size = '12pt',
      Back_Color = 'Orange'

So you can change any property at runtime which having expression functionality and also we can use RGB Code for Color property instead of writing color name. If you use this property at the time of developing reports then all reports will be effected. Enjoy and let me know for any question. Thanks.

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